897. Increasing Order Search Tree
897. Increasing Order Search Tree
Given the root
of a binary search tree, rearrange the tree in in-order so that the leftmost node in the tree is now the root of the tree, and every node has no left child and only one right child.
3197. Find the Minimum Area to Cover All Ones II
3197. Find the Minimum Area to Cover All Ones II
You are given a 2D binary array grid
. You need to find 3 non-overlapping rectangles having non-zero areas with horizontal and vertical sides such that all the 1’s in grid
lie inside these rectangles.
3196. Maximize Total Cost of Alternating Subarrays
3196. Maximize Total Cost of Alternating Subarrays
You are given an integer array nums
with length n
3195. Find the Minimum Area to Cover All Ones I
3195. Find the Minimum Area to Cover All Ones I
You are given a 2D binary array grid
. Find a rectangle with horizontal and vertical sides with the smallest area, such that all the 1’s in grid
lie inside this rectangle.
3194. Minimum Average of Smallest and Largest Elements
3194. Minimum Average of Smallest and Largest Elements
You have an array of floating point numbers averages
which is initially empty. You are given an array nums
of n
integers where n
is even.
3193. Count the Number of Inversions
3193. Count the Number of Inversions
You are given an integer n
and a 2D array requirements
, where requirements[i] = [endi, cnti] represents the end index and the inversion count of each requirement.
3192. Minimum Operations to Make Binary Array Elements Equal to One II
3192. Minimum Operations to Make Binary Array Elements Equal to One II
You are given a binary array nums
3191. Minimum Operations to Make Binary Array Elements Equal to One I
3191. Minimum Operations to Make Binary Array Elements Equal to One I
You are given a binary array nums
3190. Find Minimum Operations to Make All Elements Divisible by Three
3190. Find Minimum Operations to Make All Elements Divisible by Three
You are given an integer array nums
. In one operation, you can add or subtract 1 from any element of nums