670. Maximum Swap
You are given an integer num
. You can swap two digits at most once to get the maximum valued number.
Return the maximum valued number you can get.
Example 1:
1 2 3
| Input: num = 2736 Output: 7236 Explanation: Swap the number 2 and the number 7.
Example 2:
1 2 3
| Input: num = 9973 Output: 9973 Explanation: No swap.
Language: C++
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
| class Solution { public: int maximumSwap(int num) { string numStr = to_string(num); int n = numStr.size(); int max_index = n - 1, p = -1, q = -1; for (int i = n - 2; i >= 0; i--) { if (numStr[i] > numStr[max_index]) { max_index = i; } else if (numStr[i] < numStr[max_index]) { p = i; q = max_index; } } if (p == -1) { return num; } swap(numStr[p], numStr[q]); return stoi(numStr); } };