You are given a string num. A string of digits is called balanced if the sum of the digits at even indices is equal to the sum of the digits at odd indices.
Return the number of distinctpermutations of num that are balanced .
Since the answer may be very large, return it modulo10^9 + 7.
A permutation is a rearrangement of all the characters of a string.
Example 1:
1 2 3
Input: num = "123"
Output: 2
The distinct permutations of num are "123", "132", "213", "231", "312" and "321".
Among them, "132" and "231" are balanced. Thus, the answer is 2.
Example 2:
1 2 3
Input: num = "112"
Output: 1
The distinct permutations of num are "112", "121", and "211".
Only "121" is balanced. Thus, the answer is 1.
Example 3:
1 2 3
Input: num = "12345"
Output: 0
None of the permutations of num are balanced, so the answer is 0.
classSolution { public: conststaticint MOD = 1'000'000'007; conststaticint MX = 41; longlong F[MX]; longlong INV_F[MX]; int count[10]{}; int total = 0;
// quick power longlongpow(longlong x, int n){ longlong res = 1; for (; n; n /= 2) { if (n % 2) { res = res * x % MOD; } x = x * x % MOD; } return res; }
// calculate the inverse voidinit(){ F[0] = 1; for (int i = 1; i < MX; i++) { F[i] = F[i - 1] * i % MOD; } INV_F[MX - 1] = pow(F[MX - 1], MOD - 2); for (int i = MX - 1; i; i--) { INV_F[i - 1] = INV_F[i] * i % MOD; } }
vector<vector<vector<int>>> dp;
intcountBalancedPermutations(string num){ init(); for (char& c : num) { count[c - '0']++; total += c - '0'; } if (total % 2) { return0; } partial_sum(count, count + 10, count); int n = num.size(), n1 = n / 2; dp.resize(10, vector<vector<int>>(n1 + 1, vector<int>(total / 2 + 1, -1))); return F[n1] * F[n - n1] % MOD * dfs(9, n1, total / 2) % MOD; }
intdfs(int i, int left, int target){ if (i < 0) { return target == 0; } if (dp[i][left][target] != -1) { return dp[i][left][target]; } int res = 0; // recalculate the count[i] int c = count[i] - (i ? count[i - 1] : 0); // we need to assign the left to 0 ~ i indexes of count, there are count[i] - left holes, and we can take at most this number // holes at index i for (int k = max(0, c - (count[i] - left)); k <= min(c, left) && k * i <= target; k++) { int tmp = dfs(i - 1, left - k, target - k * i); res = (res + tmp * INV_F[k] % MOD * INV_F[c - k]) % MOD; } dp[i][left][target] = res; return res; } };