Learnship 02 - 2023/08/01
Small talk notes
Only after all these steps are we convinced.
Only with these metrics can you measure.
Business Language Coaching - Session 2 - Your Presentation
- Listen to and workshop your presentation
- Explore how pausing can help you communicate more successfully
Starting point
Set the scene for your presentation. Tell me about:
The context & topic
- Sprint review
- Showcase progression on specific work
The audience and Your aims
- Give general information in a non-technical way
- Did I give enough background information? Did I make it clear enough?
- Did I give the full story?
- signposting phrases
- rhetorical questions: “So maybe you would ask…?”
- grammatically flawless
- pronunciation good
To improve
- pausing
- pronunciation & intonation
- keywords: cost reduction, extent, AZ, delegate & destination, benefit
- explaining terminology
- repeating key words
- use analogies or examples
Voice Power: Pausing
Without good delivery, the best speaker cannot be of any account at all. - Cicero, Roman orator
No word was ever as effective as a rightly timed pause. - Mark Twain, American author
I learned that the spaces between words were as important as the words themselves. Gerry Spence, undefeated lawyer
Only after these steps we are convinced; Only with these metrics you can measure
it’s worse