How to setup personal VPN

Most ideas and actions are from this doc 科学上网

1. Domain

Since I am going to use gost server, it requires one domain. I purchased one domain at, it costs $5 per year.

I am using AWS LightSail, couple reasons:

  1. It’s cheap and first 3 months usage is free
  2. It’s easy to setup, like DNS related stuff

2.1 Create instance

I would very like to use one instance from HKG, but now LightSail is not available in HKG, so i launched one instance in NRT.

2.2 Assign static IP address

Under the networking tab, create one static IP address and assign it to the instance. Also, enable 443 port from outside.

2.3 Create domain

Under the DNS tab, create a DNS. After creation, go to goDaddy control console and change the name server to use the name servers for this DNS.

2.4 Gost setup

Login the instance. Git clone haoel’s repo, then run the install script under /scripts folder.

3. Client

3.1 Chrome

I would recommend switchyOmega extension for Chrome, just fill in the host, the user and password then the work is done.

3.2 Github

To use proxy for other programs, we need to launch a gost client on the machine. It’s recommended to use docker.

  1. Install docker
  2. Run docker for different services
    1. Shadowsocks

      docker run -p 1984:1984 --name gost-ss --restart=always -d ginuerzh/gost -L=ss://aes-128-gcm:password@:1984 -F 'https://user:password@host:443'
    2. Socks5 for github

      docker run -p 1080:1080 --name gost-socks --restart=always -d ginuerzh/gost -L=socks5://:1080 -F 'https://user:password@host:443'

      Then change the ssh config file for github access

      ProxyCommand nc -x localhost:1080 %h %p

3.3 IOS

Download Shadowrocket, and setup the proxy.