How to write a design doc/ORR

The problem

It can take 2~3 weeks for me to finish one design doc/ORR. When there’s a need to write such a doc, I would postpone the work as late as possible. And when there’s no way to push it off, I wouldn’t start the work until the last evening + morning. Such behavior damages my mental health and also the doc quality.

How to do better next time

  • Have some brain storming/coding session with teammates early
  • Setup the key stakeholder review day, internal review day early, so i can schedule work backwards
  • Find some training from internal source, if there’s any, can use 1~2 days for this
  • Find some example, can use half day for this
  • Start to write, even just copying the example
  • Break the tasks into smaller pieces. Start to lay out the architecture, so i can fill in each section later
  • Setup a goal: what I must finish within today